Saturday 6 June 2015


Lolling, lazing,
down by the Hot Walls,
soaking in the weak rays
of the sun magnified
by the curvy protected
fortifications round the beach
hence the name 'Hot Walls',
there they are...
more bloody dragons

They take up a lot
of space of course,
and the Hot Walls
is a limited expanse.
When you look in their
magical encantations
seem to permeate out
from their lengthy bodies
and linger in the air.
Not only that
reality takes another turn,
sound becomes sight,
smell becomes light,
ephemeral choirs begin to sing.

it's distracting,
One goes down the beach
expecting to be pelted
with pebbles
by unruly brats,
expecting to be deafened
by mobiles/music devices
blaring out useless beats,
expecting to be battered
by a cruel wind
and a sporadic shower,
but creatures from another
hogging the patch,
one cannot be expected
to expect that

Chomping on their
Dagostino cones,
their light chatter
trills and tinkles,
its swirly flow
conjuring up
scenes from mythological
evoking profound
of ecstasy and alienation.
Who needs that?
I mean you go down the beach
to get away from it
not to have your head filled
with unbearable
hallucinations and elusive
Someone should have a word
they really should have a word

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