Wednesday 29 April 2015


I was listening to this thing on the radio
about Emily Dickinson
well, actually not about Emily Dickinson
but about some forger who forged one of her poems
if you know what I mean

the forger was quite a guy
in the worst sense of the word
he had great success at his vocation
until some expert rumbled him
so what did he do?
he murdered the expert
and then another one who was on his trail,
he's behind bars now

He used exactly the right kind of paper
and had her handwriting down to a tee
that's what fooled the 'experts'
who actually thought the poem
was just an 'average Emily Dickinson' poem

It got me thinking
what kind of poet is it
with such a predictable style
that someone can do
an 'average' imitation of their stuff?

I mean I don't want to get personal
I've never read any of her poems,
maybe they're amazing
but she's not really on my list
Harry Crosby and Hart Crane are on my list
and I don't know if I'll get round to them
poetry's a bit intimidating ain't it?

but back to the point,
could someone
forge me? I ask
not that they would, I know
but could they?
Personally I don't think so,
my voice is too original
for these dull times......
but there again maybe
this poem is a forgery
and the forger
is pulling off some
subtle, crafty, sophisticated
double bluff? Oh yeah!

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