Friday 17 July 2015


all golden bleat it was
like a heartbeat in secret
sending all those visions that
economics presenters
swat away in their
sweaty brain-washed

Yes, I was wallowing
in words again,
my swords were numerous.
Ahhh, the blade as it cuts,
the thrust,
the dizzy adventure
of lunging
by degrees

and then I cough up everything
the blaze
the flames
all the colours
all the thoughts
I'm sick of reading the thoughts
they're like awkward adventures
you'd rather forget

In spite of everything
the moon went out
the lamb
the apocalypse was dissappointing
the dawn was crass
but the fire, the fire
could explode my mind!

the house that sat on top of the hill
was swaying as I began to make love
to the memory of
everything that had never really happened
and imagine my dismay
when your poison began to work
and all the flowers were
transformed into
a sort of trite torment

Today I caught the X9
and it was like hell
and it was like heaven
we laughed as we stared
down on everything

all golden bleat it was
like purified oxygen mixed
with some difficulty
into the hum of a bus
with a mysterious name

and we fly
we fly along
past me,
past you
because we're no longer here,
no, we don't for a minute
think anything will stay still
we just enjoy the company
of the wading birds
and the loving ghosts

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